So my power bill this month was higher than normal... and well my roommate and I are trying to find the cause...
So here is the situation, our apartments temp is kept on 68 degrees pretty much all the time (she likes it cold, I walk around in a sweatshirt most nights)... The average temp outside is anywhere between 85-100 degress (gotta love North Carolina summers)...
There is a ceiling fan that stays on low sometimes all day, depending on if it gets turned off or not... It is in a 15 foot by 10 foot bedroom to circulate air.
So here is the question:
Over the course of any 30 day period, what would cost more to run? The central a/r that remains at 68 degrees all day for 30 days when the temp outside is 90 degrees, or a ceiling fan that is running on low all day for 30 days?
Any help would be wonderful?