
Power goes out every time a blow dryer is used?

by  |  earlier

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Any way to prevent this? We've tried three different hairdryers already and after a few minutes, everything in the house goes off. We then have to go to the circuit breaker panel and turn everything back on from there. Any ideas what's wrong?




  1. At least we have houses here in the 'US' we're not used to single room multi-family quanza huts, shittin' in holes in the dirt, sleeping on straw, etc.

    Crazy how an electrical question brings up some BS slander on the US.  You need to click the flag at the bottom of the page that corresponds to your nationality.

    Oh yea, call an electrician or upgrade some of the circuits in your box to the next higher amp - if it says 10 - get a 15.

  2. Your in an older home and your home has circuits loaded to maximum capacity. You need an electrician! Your drawing way to much current and your circuit breaker is on a circuit to large.

  3. You are drawing more power than you wiring or breakers allow.

    You will probably have to upgrade the wiring in your house.

    Houses in the USA are built very poorly, so it is not uncommon to find cheap\thin wiring in the walls or breakers that do not have enough a power rating.

  4. couple of options-

    one- call an electrician out to evaluate the status of your wiring.  there might be some needed upgrades or work to be done.

    two- unplug everything else that runs on that circuit before using the hair dryer

    three- use a different outlet to plug the hair dryer into (ie- use the bedroom instead of the bathroom)

    good luck!

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