
Power light,power and hard drive light?

by  |  earlier

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hello,I recently had to change my cd writer on my computer,and had to take the front panel get at it,I had to disconnect the power lead from the switch to the motherboard and also the hard drive lead light wire,and power on LED,I put them back I think correctly,Power one is correct as computer is working fine,but no hard drive light or power on light is showing,any help please,thank you.the three leads connect side by side onto the motherboard,




  1. Look up your mother board's manual on the net. Or look closely at the lettering beside the pins.

  2. Look carefully near the pins at the printing on the motherboard. You will be able to see which pins are for which lights.

    Also, since they are LEDs, they need the correct polarity. If you're certain they're in the right spots, simply reverse the leads.

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