
Power loss with an RCA Y-Split?

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What type of power loss can be expected when using a Y splitter on an RCA cable?

For example, instead of having one set of RCA's go to one 1000wrms amp, have that RCA split into two seperate 500wrms amps? I know there will still be a little loss, but will it be audible or make any difference?





  1. CJR is right...the tiny loss makes no difference because it is before the amps inputs.

  2. It shouldn't make an audible difference.  You're boosting the signal AFTER the split, that is key.

  3. In theory, any time a cable is extended, split, butt connected, or in anyway modified, resistance is created, lowering sound quality. before the amp is the WORST place to create this disturbance because you are only dealing with up to 5 volts or so to start with.

    In answer to your question, you will probably not hear the difference if you use quality Y Adapters with little resistance.

    The ideal way to hook this up, though, would be if one of the amps has an RCA pass thru you could come out of with the cable for the second amp. often, high end amplifiers will even slightly "beef up" this output to compensate for the signal loss.

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