
Power point presentation? I have to present a study i've been doing..any tips are most welcome!?

by  |  earlier

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Is it preferable to insert tables, or its better to present the results in note form?




  1. Well, I would probably use tables as they tend to show results better than note form. But it depends entirely on the results you have! If i was measuring a reaction rate over a period of time, i would use a line graph. Titration results normally call for a table. I can't think of an instance where raw note form is better. The idea is to get your conclusion across to the audience, and anything that helps you do that is a plus, so go ahead and use a table is my advice.

  2. i think tables or graph would be better as it'll attract the other. you will also be able to talk freely base on your graph or tables. if you present the result in note form, during the presentation, you might stick only to the note you wrote in power point . later you might get stuck and don't know what else to addition, having short notes during presentation would be a good idea.

  3. In a good presentation, everything must be short and sharp, straight to the point and keep the audience interested.

    Don't make it long winded and make the people fall asleep.

    Looking at the tables from a distance is very difficult if the numbers are too small. If the font size are bigger, the tables cannot fit into the display.

    If the number don't look good, the graphic must be excellent :)

    If possible, you should use charts to display.

    Example, if you want to show that profit have increase, use a line/bar chart. If you want to show the percentage, use a pie chart. Use different colours and make it lively.

    Make the presentation interactive, pause and allow people to ask questions. Crack a few jokes so that they don't fall asleep.

    Most important of all, use powerful punch lines to end the presentation.

  4. As an instructor I have found graphics are almost always better than text, minimize the number of words on screen. If there is allot of supporting data, give a handout and/or put it in the "notes" pages.  If you must put text in the presentation, put it in bullet form and don't exceed the 6x6 rule, no more than 6 bullets, no more than 6 words in each bullet. Use a simple font with a minimum size of 24 preferably 28. Don't use too many animations, but  individual bullet entrances can emphasize important concepts. Simple colors with good contrast work best, and check them out with the projector you will be using during the presentation, sometimes what looks great on your computer screen, is unintelligible when projected.

    Usually it is best to keep it simple, good luck, I am sure your presentation will be a great success.

  5. use not card that wt i used

  6. Graphs and tables are easy to understnd in one look.So go for them.

  7. Its good to do both but tables are better. They show the information in a more understandable way.

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