I'm looking into buying one of the two. I only have about 5k to spend...literally not a dime more and preferably less, but I want to be safe while I fly. Portability is a concern considering I don't have a truck and can't pull a trailer(just occasionally borrow them)so it would be more difficult to tranport the powered parachute, though I like being able to fit a powered paraglider into my car. Powered parachutes are more stable, while powered paragliders are more responsive and have a better chance of parachute collapse and I don't really plan on dying anytime soon. Carrying the powered paraglider on my back and the difficulty launching/landing one is also a downside, while powered parachutes require a large runway/landing strip. If I missed anything, please let me know and I really want to hear your personal opinions as well as any solid info you have.