
Powering alpine type s?

by Guest44749  |  earlier

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I have 4 alpine type s 6.5 inch speakers and i want to get an amp to power them but later i want to get subs and i would like it if the all ran on the same amp. The speakers rms power range is 80 watts so i was wondering what power amp i should get so i can power them but not blow them




  1. you will need 2 amps . one for the 4 speaker system . one for the subs . 300 watts will be okay for the 6.5 . for the subs the sky is the limit . mtx makes the best compact sized amp for the speakers , wont cost a arm and a leg . good sub amps , very good dollar value . main benefit compact size , dollar for dollar value the best .

  2. Although I do recommend you use a sepperate amp for the sub and speakers, if you want to use just the one make sure that it is 2 ohm stable, or tri-mode stable.

    You'll want a 4 channel amp that can put out around 100 watts per channel, and when bridged (this will be for when you add the sub) it can put out around 300 watts.

    If you just have the speakers you wire it how you normally would... one speaker per channel.

    Sub and speakers, you can wire it two ways:

    Have all 4 speakers coming through two channels, and the sub coming through the other 2 channels (bridged).


    Have one channel per speaker, and have the sub coming off the two rear channels bridged.

    The first method requires that the amp can handle a 2ohm load, otherwise it will overheat and possible catch fire. Not good.

    The other method requires the amp be tri-mode stable. These are somewhat harder to find.

    Do keep in mind that if you use a single amp for speakers and sub, you will lose the ability to adjust the volume / bass etc on everything... ie. if you wire it the first method, you won't be able to fade from the rear or front speakers as they will be coming through the same channels. On the other method, if you fade out the rear speakers the sub will fade out too.

    My recommendation is the Response 4x100W.

    I've used this amp before... takes a lot of punishment, and it ran my full system for a while.

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