
Powerisers <span title="-------------------------------------">-------------------------...</span>

by  |  earlier

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I've watched videos of powerisers and they look good. But iv'e also seen other videos where they look really crappy. Like they jump about an inch off the ground. But other vids ive seen people jumping metres. Do you have to really jump hard for a good bounce?

Please help me. I was thinking of getting some.




  1. his springs look a bit c**p on the second one....but they look soooo fun...!! I might get some  

  2. I&#039;d say in that bad example, the spring rigidity isn&#039;t matched to the weight of the user.

    Powerisers come in different weight settings.  You need to be sure that your powerisers operating weight covers your weight.

    Too much weight and you risk catastrophically breaking them, too little weight and there won&#039;t be enough return in the spring to jump properly.

    In addition to this caveat, you must PRACTICE to get good at using the things.  You can&#039;t expect to strap yourself into them and immediately be able to jump 8 feet into the air and run at 30mph.

    For the first few hours use you&#039;ll probably be staggering around like a baby elk getting used to how they feel.

    In addition to the powerisers themselves, get some decent safety gear.

    Helmet, elbow pads and palm protectors.  Essentially similar kit to skateboarding safety gear.

    You WILL fall over.  You run the risk of quite serious injury without good safety gear.

    Best of luck.

  3. im so sorry.. i&#039;m in hysterics here... that was one awesome video... absolutely priceless! love it mate, thanks for the laugh, i&#039;m sorry i dont know the answer to ur question but man that was funny!!  

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