
Powerpoints in Thailand?

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Hey Everyone,

I'm off to Thailand on Sunday and just realised that I don't know whether I need to get a power adaptor or not!!! Am I able to plug things with a normal Australian plug into the power points in Thailand? Or do I need something else to make it work? And if I do - what is it and where would I get it?




  1. yes you will need to buy an adaptor as their plugs are different. you can buy travel adaptors in hardware stores, electrical stores etc, but i buy mine when i get there as i do at most asian countries as they are much cheaper $2-$3 and less weight to carry in luggage. last trip i bought a double adaptor plug which was more usefull

  2. Don't worry if it doesn't work, the Thai's have a power extension  that fit all plugs, made is china and they are cheap. Get them in any supermarket.

  3. You will need an adapter. the voltage won't be a problem. an international adapter or just one for Asia .

    Be VERY Careful, Some  Power outlets (most) are dangerous The prongs of the adapter might be loose,allowing the prongs to be exposed as the adapter hangs down, Also Power out lets in Aust have a switch so you can switch off befor you pull out the adapter. Here they do not... I once got a jolt as I accidently touched a prong whilst unplugging an appliance.

  4. You don't really need an adapter just press it firmly into the socket.

    It will be fine.

    I used my Aust phone charger, digital camera battery charger, PS2 console this way and never encounted a problem.

    If you are convinced you require one then you will be better off purchasing an adapter over there as it would be much cheaper.

    They are easily attainable from markets/stores along the sidewalk, supermarket or department store.

    Have no fear you will be fine.

  5. You'll need plug adapters, the plugs used in Australia are not the same as Thailand, the voltage is also different, 220v here in Thailand vs. 240v in Australia. 20 volts is within the voltage tolerance of most devices, but unless you have a universal charger/adapter, a charger/adapter that will accept different voltages, you might want to get a voltage converter as well to be safe. You can look on this website to check the types of plugs used in Thailand:

  6. They use 220 in Thailand.I brought a muscle massager here from America after a car wreck 3 years ago I it blew up in 30 seconds of using it.Make sure what you are using is 110 and 220 compatible.If not,you need a converter.Plus they use some old crazy style plugs that don't hardly click in and won't hold a plug in to save its life,so remember that also.

          (Of the subject) My most important thing to tell you is if you are planing to rent a motor bike as most tourists do please be careful,Thai people may be the the most smiley friendly people you will ever meet in your life but the second they get behind the wheel of anything all Buddhism flies out the window.They become the most rude,inconsiderate,selfish,self serving,me first drivers,with no more understanding or consideration for your life or their own life...and I'm saying .. just like a cat crossing the road with no understanding of danger at all. It is the scariest driving I have ever seen in all my life of filming this world as an independent film maker.It is very a strange dichotomy between the nicest people and the rudest people you will ever meet.They are nicest people and will treat you like family outside of their vehicle but something happens when they drive and it is dangerous.It is part of something called the 3 part Thai circle of life.Part 3 is the selfish circle and it is real!

    Don't let me turn you off before you get here but the number one cause of deaths from tourists in Thailand are motorbike accidents.The 'Lonely Planet' books tell how we die but not why.This is for political correctness and money reasons.You hopefully will just stay in a resort and never see this but if you are a true traveler then be careful.You don't want to go home hurt.But don't worry,being a tourist and living here is two different things.BE CARE WHEN DRIVING!

  7. I went to Thailand in May 2008 and i just shoved the Aussie plug into their socket and it worked fine. if you are staying in a hotel you can just as them at reception for a converter to plug in your electricals, but our plugs to fit with a bit of force.. hehehe.. trust me.

  8. What's up Mike. You would have to tell us what you are going to plug in.

  9. You will definitely need an adaptor.  Buy an international adaptor. They have several options on them. Just make sure they adapt to aussie  at the other end. Cost about $5.00

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