
Ppl often refer to human and nonhuman primates as having a commom ancestor. What/who is that common ancestor?

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Ppl often refer to human and nonhuman primates as having a commom ancestor. What/who is that common ancestor?




  1. We don't know what or who the common ancestor was but we know how we are related to the rest of the primates.

    Humans and chimps diverged about 3 to 5 million years ago.

    Gorillas about 7mya, orangutans about 14mya and the other apes (gibbons) about18 mya.

    Apes and Old World monkeys (African/Asian monkeys) split about 25 million years ago.

    New world(the Americas) and Old world monkeys split about 30 or 40 mya.

    Dinosuars went extint abot 65mya. The common ancestor of mice and men split about 100 million years ago. Squeek!

    Check the link....much better explanation than I can give.

  2. We like to call it the missing link?

    But chimps and apes are really close.

    chimps are so close that we doing testing on them before we do testing on humans because many times they simulate what will happen to the human.

  3. That is what we call "the missing link"  That is what people are looking for.


  4. Pat Robertson.

  5. humans, old world monkeys and new world monkeys are anthropoids...... not sure where prosimians fit in though.......but theyre cute

  6. It was an ape like creature that lived 8 to 10 million years ago.

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