
Ppl <span title="pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaase">pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaa...</span> help me out @@!!!!~!?

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i dont know much about ovulation... dont have a regular cycle even... so its very difficult... can you pls help me out.. i wanna have a baby.... my period dates are as follow...

March 3rd 2008

april 3rd 2008

may 7th 2008

june 7th 2008

july 12th 2008

now i had s*x last night also and tonight too... ( 22nd july and 23rd july....) and planning to continue it until friday...... plsssssssssssss help me out i really want a baby.....any gender is ok but i prefer a gal.....




  1. Well your probably most fertile the end of this week and a bit in the beginning of next week. It may take you awhile to actually get pregnant though. goodluck

  2. What u can do is have s*x missionary style, put a pillow right under ur lower back and a tad on ur butt and let him do it to you. I know it sounds weird but that&#039;s what my hubby and i did for me to get prego with our daughter. It really works!

  3. i will pray 4 u and for myself ,our GOD will help us,dont hv stress,take vitamin E ,FOLIC ACID ,AND ZINC

  4. You have a 30 - 35 day cycle.  so you&#039;ll be most fertile on day 15 to day 20 of your cycle.  have s*x every other day from the end of your period, to day 20.  

    Since your period was 12th should baby dance on the 25th - 29th July.  good luck

    as for the gender it&#039;s 50-50% chance.  although there are various theories, for a girl you should try to have s*x on the 25th then stop.  but then you&#039;d be risking not to fall pregnant at all .  good luck

  5. Your cycle is a lot better than mine. Just do what you need to to get pregnant. Every other day is best to have s*x. If you have s*x everyday your partners sperm count will be lower. My cycle was crazy. Sometimes it would be early and sometimes it would be as much as 40 some days late. I am 5 months pregnant now and everything is going great. It took awile though almost 6 years. It could happen soon, but if it doesn&#039;t try not to get discouraged. Good luck I hope it happens really soon for you.

  6. your best bet is to buy an ovualtion predictor kit, clearblue do 1, especially if your periods are irregular this will indicate exactly when you are about to ovualte to become pregnant, good luck x*x

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