
Ppl who are goin in to yr 11 now, how was yr 10?

by Guest32300  |  earlier

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im yr 9 goin in to yr 10 this september, whats good/bad bout that year of school?




  1. pfft! its all overrated

  2. Amazingly easy. It's like you are still in year 9 but learning new concepts, but at the same previous pace. About to go into year 11, upgrade time, school is just too easy lately.

  3. good thing is ur a step closer to leavin ;)

  4. tbh it wasnt that bad... theres work experience and trips and stuff which is good. but the work is really tough even if your clever and you'll end up doing hours practically every night :(

    and youll be sad when you leave in yr 11... im going to cry this year lol

    Ash xx

  5. It was good. Year 11 was the best since the teachers were awesome. Senior year wasn't bad either, just hated all the prep. for college though. I'm now going to be a college freshman.

    Nothing was different though from the 9th year.

  6. I;m going into year 11 now, year 10 went sooo slowly, we had loadzz of mock GCSE's and tests and moving sets but the rest of the time it was pretty good, and depending on your school in year 10 you can have lunch out of school which is a + !!!! and their are lots of half terms but most of it is spent revising, i were you start revising for all your core subjects, ooh and you get to start enjoying the subjects that you chose yourself, well i hope this helps. p shh I've got to go into year 11 with all the hard boring work so make the most of year 10.

  7. Year 10 was ok I guess ... It sucked a little since we had GCSE's like neally every 4 months, or ever 2 months

  8. It's quite **** because you have to do your coursework and GCSE modules but it wasn't that bad.

  9. hmmm.. it was ok for me.. but i was sooo shocked by the amount of courework you get!! especially in english!

    just keep your head down and get i out the way, honest, it feels great when you havent got coursework to do.. it really gets on your nerves.. have a good year, the teachers tend to treat you better more like an adult.. so yeah, have a good year anyway!

  10. I have just left year 11. But i remember year 10. I have actually enjoyed years 10 and 11...although it was very tough. If you want to do good in your GCSE's....this is where you will have to start putting in the effort. Especially when it comes to coursework. Get ahead with your coursework in year 10, and it will give you less to worry about in yr 11 when it comes to your exams.

    But i quite liked it, we got to pick our subjects, so i got to ditch some of the ones i hated! Like history, geography and music! Haha...and i got to focus more on the ones i liked, such as Art, Childcare and Graphics! So its good in that way!

    Dont worry about it, I'm sure you will love it!

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