
Practical Exercise for Arthur Miller?

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I have to do a practical excercise in drama relating to Arthur Milers style but i dont really know what to do! Any ideas? It can be in groups, pairs or seperately etc. Anything really!




  1. wow grouchy much, doc? she said related to...i get it; both sides. at least she's not asking about friggin disney auditions like everyone else is. and your homework. while you may not know what to do, in a lot of cases, that's the whole point of homework. the professor gives you an assignment and then you complete the assignment. he/she wouldn't assign you something you don't know anything just gotta do the work. research arthur miller, maybe? good place to start right. check this out (found it in about 30 sec!):

    "These universal stories (miller's plays) are about the struggle of the individual, especially the working class.  The men and women in these works face internal antagonism from guilt, anxiety, depression, and other heartaches.  Their pain and sorrow are realistic, which creates stories that are unforgettable and familiar.  Miller addressed morality and social issues of the day through the stage.  Although his opinion was not always popular, Miller was brave enough to make political statements. "

    okay so we get that miller uses realism. now you need to do a little bit more research and find out if he incorporated any other styles in his plays. once you get that done, you go and do a search for the exercises you are looking for. plus, exercises is kinda want to pump iron, warm up the body, or find something that will inspire the realistic style. good luck!

  2. I really wasn't aware of a style called Millerism.  What is a practical exercise? Can't anyone speak plainly?

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