
Practical jokes to be played on teachers.?

by  |  earlier

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My friend and I are in a practical-joke-war with two of our teachers.

They got us, we need revenge.

I've searched for some ideas, but there aren't many around.

I know you've all got some, let me have them. :-)

Preferably hilarious ones that will have the class in fits of laughter please.

One of the teachers is afraid of spiders.

We've already considered buying fake spiders and placing them around.

Leave your ideas :)

Thank you!




  1. Get some brown recluses and put them in the drawers of their desks.  If they're in good health, they'll survive.

  2. Do the classic bucket of water trick. After everyone is in class, before the teacher gets there, place a bucket of water on top of the door when it's open just enough to support the bucket of water. When she opens the door, the bucket will fall and she will be drenched... if you do it right. There is a chance of it not working properly.

  3. Pretend like you're having a problem with one of your assigments like math.... Then ask if moderations can be made since your on an IEP.... the teacher should tell you she didnt think you were on one. Then have your parents call the teacher and threaten to sue her and the school for not following your IEP.

  4. NAH! never EVER do the spider trick! soooooooo lame!!!

    try........OH YES DO THIS!!....(i did this and got in trouble but it was SO worth it!!!)

    1) ok....first get your friend to distack the princable or whom evers room the speaker is in...and then u sneak in there....and play this song on the speaker "brick in the wall" by pink floyde IT IS SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU... a gud prank!!!!!!!!! lol

    2) do the old sticking things on the teachers backs lyk "kick me" or "I.P freely" or "Pat McCrotch" or so on...

    3) just do things to p**s them off like climb out the window stick glue on there chair....

    4) ok this one is hard to pull off!!!!!!!!! so BE CAREFUL!!!.........get a REALLY gud cartoonest and get them to draw a pic of ur teacher on the board and right the teachers name nxt to it....MAKE SURE U DO IT BEFORE CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


    gud luk =D

    Keep being a pain at skool! =D

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