
Practical motorbike test 2008?

by  |  earlier

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I have a test booked for 29th September (the day that the new practical off-road element is introduced to the test). I am looking to get a copy of the official DVD which is supposed to be available via DSA site but the link is inactive in downloaded pack. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the DVD? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. Sandra




  1. Sorry cannot give you an answer but strongly suggest, as a fellow biker, that you bring this to the attention of anyone you can think of from your MP down to Motor Cycle News.

    The new test situation has been very badly managed and needs exposing so that at least it's intoduction can be delayed until at least all the planned centres are open and proper resources available.

    Sorry if that's a little bit of a rant and good luck on the test.

  2. Is this the DVD you need?

    There are some more here

    Here is some information on the new portion, with a downloadable pdf

    Good luck and enjoy

  3. Bloody h**l, this is, as usual, very badly rolled out info - I'd never heard of it (It was the same when they brought in the CBT system).

    Here's the layout;

    And here's what's involved;

    You can download the full info pack from the links on the right of this page;

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