
Practically losing my best friend, how do i move on? ?

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Basically me and this girl were really really close, like did everything together and just known for being like the best of friends. But i didn't see her for so long during the holidays and then when i did i don't know it just wasn't the same. We're slowly growing apart now as we never do anything together and shes moving on so i decided to just let go as i don't think things will get back to how they were. I have a pretty big friendship group but i was never really close to any of them as i was always close to that one girl. Now that we're not close any more i really don't know whats going to happened and how do i get better friends with all these people?




  1. this is EXACTLY my situation. well i just started inviting more people over my house and i became just as great as friends with a different friend as i was with my other friend. you still shouldnt give up completely. im still friends with my  old friend just not as good. i really hope everything works out okay.  

  2. Hey there,

    well first of all I wanna let you know that I'm in the exact same I know what you are going through.

    I think you should just spend some more time with your group of friends and get to know each one of them a little bit better and as time goes by it'll show if there is any best friend material.

    Maybe you should even try getting to know some new people outside your usual circle of friends.

    Hope everything works out for you and remember: in the end it doesn't matter if you have a best friend or not as long as you have some real friends you can completely trust.

    take care  

  3. Did you guys have any old hot spots, or fun places you always use to hangout at? I suggest bringing up the past. Throw an awesome little get together or sleep over. Have them all over and play games you use too, talk about all the stupid things you use to do. Make them feel like ' wow we use to have so much fun together, i miss that' than maybe they'll come around and want that back. Sure is worth a try! My best friends and i go to school hours apart, and one is even in Ireland.. it's the best way to re connect

  4. I wouldn't worry too much about it, I was in the same situation as you.

    I sat in a rather large group of FRIENDS at lunch, not too close to them, but they told me secrets and such. I'm very trustable, I guess.

    And then, Alyssa came by.

    Alyssa took my only bestfriend, Mal, the closest friend I ever had, and ripped her from me. They sat together on everything, did everything together and left me out. Only towards the end of the year [might be diff for you] did she realize how bad of a friend she was. She had her own bestfriend, and Mal was just a close friend to her.

    Mal came back to me as quickly as she left, and she apologized.

    I could've moved on to get a new bestfriend [would be deathly hard] but, I held trust in her.

    And after 9 years of friendship, we're still going strong

    [I'm 14 btw]

  5. Really good friends are hard to find. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to find a true friend who will be there for you thick and thin. You shouldn't try to rush it with your existing friends. Just be yourself and eventually you will find someone who you can call a best friend. I know it's hard losing a friend, but growing apart is normal. Sometimes people aren't meant to be in your life forever and people change and find other interests, etc that makes it harder for them to still have things in common with you. Try to keep yourself busy, join a club or take part in hobbies/activities you like. Who knows, you may be able to find someone who shares your interests that way. Good luck!

  6. Breaking up is painful whether it's with a boyfriend/girlfriend or your best friend.  It has to do with "loss" and that's what you feel right empty place in your heart..

    Nothing is forever and in the future the two of you might pick up where you left off..but for now the only solution is time..time heals everything..I know that it's hard to believe that...but it's true.

    Just let things happen with your other friends...don't try so hard..but maybe you can call a few of them and make plans and just be someone that they want to be around.   I'm sure you will get all kinds of good advise on here..good luck..things have a way of working out for the best!

  7. Ive lost 2 of my best friends & it is hard because best friends are one in a million.

    After going to different junior high school me & my childhood bff were slowly growing apart because we went to different schools and the same throughout h.s. and now we havent even talked since 2 years ago when i called to wish her a happy birthday and talk about my life. My other bff I met in my last year in junior high and we used to do almost everything together. However when we stopped doing swimming together we lost contact and I havent seen her or talked to her for a while.

    You probably didnt want me to type out my story but friends come and go but true friends stay. It's hard to leave a friend behind because of all the memories you shared but you'll find a new friend that can turn out to be a true friend for you.


  8. ok find a new friend

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