
Practice chanter. Where to buy one??

by  |  earlier

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Looking for online sites to buy a practice chanter. Do not wish to but McCallums brand of chanter as I don't like the style. Needs to have metal mounts. don't have stock of the type of chanter I want. Any help appreciated.




  1. A bespoke bagpipe/doodlesack manufacturer should supply you with a chanter.Have you tried the various makers ?

  2. If you Google you will find that there are numerous manufacturers of practice chanters apart from McCallums, but you are statistically unlikely to find another piping enthusiast here on YA to give you any tips, although we all try to do our best and have a stab at answering questions.

    If you want more specialist advice I wonder if you had considered joining a piping society, or even seeing if there are internet forums, there are a few links here which might help:

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