
Practice to pass a polygraph?

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if I have a few skeletons (drugs) in my closet and wanted to get a law enforcement job, could I practice with a polygraph over and over to numb myself to being interrogated by the poly guy?




  1. No u cant. But there is a technic that showed in the movie "Ocean's elevan or thirteen". Its like putting a pin or somthing like that under ur foot. whenever they ask u question u just press ur foot into pin, the pain make the polygraph data wrong. I dont know  whether or not it works but it worked in the

  2. Signs of deception will disqualify you much faster than any previous drug issues. Tell the truth.  

  3. Yes.  A polygraph measures changes in heart rate, breathing, etc... that generally occur when someone lies.

    It is very difficult to fake it.

  4. Come on now.  The poly measures your heart rate, breathing and skin conductivity.  It is mostly a psychological type test where the answers are a simple yes or no.  Baseline questions are asked to calibrate the machine, example asking questions you know you cannot lie about like: "is your name John Doe?"  Sociopaths are known to beat the machine because they believe what they are saying to be true.  If you are deceiving the machine it will detect it.  If you are a sociopath you will pass the poly, but the MMPI (Minnesota Multiple Personalities Index) psyche test will weed you out.  People make mistakes, just tell the truth and answer for your mistakes.  That is what they're looking for.

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