
Practise boxing head movements?

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ive heard of the one with the ball hanging of a rope but i cant set it up ive got nowhere to hang the rope just flat ceiling ive got a soccer ball and thats it. how can i make it work.




  1. that's called a maize bag. you don't need anything special. a soccer ball and a rope would be fine if you could connect the two. even just a heavy rope by itself would do the job or anything like that that swings in such a manner. all this is used for is to practice the v-slip.

  2. There's a better way. Attach a tennis ball with an elastic strap to a head band. then throw the ball and either punch it when it comes back or avoid it. It's quite difficult but your reaction increases rapindly. But pay attention to not get hit by the ball too often.

  3. What you can do is hang a piece of rope from one wall to another, make sure the rope is leveled from your chin and ear.

    What you do is move your head from left to right up and down to work on head movement also helps with foot work too. Remember which ever direction you move you use the foot first.

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