
Praise for preschool; californis kindergarten teachers say alll children will benefit?

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Praise for preschool; californis kindergarten teachers say alll children will benefit?




  1. Nostromobb, there is a difference between preschool and daycare.  Agencies like Head Start specifically focus on preparing children for school.  (They also focus on health and nutrition) There are a lot of programs that focus on school readiness.  I think that parents need to work in partnership with their child's preschool to help better prepare their children for K.  

    Now, to answer the question... Children can benefit from preschool.  They will learn how to make and keep friends, and how to work together.  They will also learn pre-academic skills that will help with concept development later in life.  I also believe that parents can do these same things without preschool but needn't forget the importance of socialization.

  2. Socialization is the word you will hear tossed around. It "prepares" the children to better "adapt" to the school environment.

    I think in part it is a societal answer to both parents having to work more hours. I have no doubt it makes it easier for the Kindergarten teachers.

    What about the kids? Both of mine went to pre-school, they had good teachers. In the long run it probably is a good thing. I doubt it will ever be as good as hanging out with mom or dad and learning from them until you are six.

    Edited to add:

    I agree leesa t, there is a difference beween pre-school and daycare. That is why I sent my kids to pre-school as I stated.

  3. I think preschool is a great idea.  It not only teaches socialization skills, it teaches kids the skills they will need for Kindergarten.  Kindergarten is no longer just fun and games and nap time.  There are state standards that Kindergarten students must meet before entering first grade and many districts are promoting full day Kindergarten classes.

  4. Poor quality care means PROBLEMS. Lots of time in day care means more aggressive kids. Proven fact. Preschool, on the other hand, can have a benefit for kids at-risk. I think the best approach is the school districts to identify at-risk preschoolers (toddlers), and offer a quality preschool program to bring the kids up to speed. As for universal preschool. NO. Let the kids be kids. too much acedemics are pushed at a far to early age. I give a federal preschool required  'profieciency test' to my preK kids! yet, their behavior is so poor school success will NOT be based on acedemcs! When Johnny calls you stupid, and the kids don't want to play baby games (fingerplays, songs,poems,ect) , then no matter how much preschool you shove on these kids will help them in elementary school.  EDUCATION STARTS AT HOME !!!! when we equip parents, then you will see change for the better.

  5. Apparently your spelling didn't.  BTW what is the ?

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