
Prank Call Ideas?

by  |  earlier

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******** Companies, stores, or 1-800 numbers***************

My cousins and i have recorded some good conversations, (like calling the dolar tree and asking how much this certain product is).

If you have any Ideas with calling a bussiness or company we would like to know.

Which ever one turns out the best we will give 10 points




  1. First of all thats kind of lame. And second of all, its harassment. If people catch you do it, it's considered phone harassment.

  2. try this this is a hack where u can change theyre passwords in the screen before u can go to the desktop u have 1st a password like restart then black stuff then u enter ur password with ur user in like blue screen then u can change that or have that here look at that save it at a notepad and save it as a .bat and u have to share it with a messenger like in yahoo find send file then a screen will open then automatically close then the password u have wrote will be that password OR NOT

  3. I once had an asian friend of mine call a buisness at 6:00 A.M and say, "Herro, dish is chinee pizza"

    The man replied, "We didn`t order anything"

    And he told the man, "Nahh we call you! is jus 5 dollah"

    And then he hung up obviously.

    I woulden`t do it that often though, it`s good for a laugh every once in a while but very annoying :)

  4. I called a plumber company and told them I had a very Large goldfish, that I tried to flush down the toilet, the gold fish clogged the toilet, and in my effort to get him down, I got him out, put him in a condom and tried to flush him again.  The lady then started telling me the prices and options, so I asked when they could come out the soonest, she said a couple weeks. I told her that was no good, because my girlfriend was coming over in two hours and that was my last condom.  

    It was pretty hilarious.
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