
Prank Call Ideas???? ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. pretend your onstar and call the persons cell and say yes hello this is onstar and we just got a call saying that you were locked inside you car are you okay? haha i did it to like 8 ppl and they all believed me exept like 2... they played along which is also fun :]

  2. ok so you call and say in a texan accent and say "Hi, this is jeanine from 'make a difference in, your life' We aint scheduling any more buttlifts or tummy tucks this month so if you could call us back nexy month,,.or even better, We'll call you =]

    or  "Hey i need some help with my french homework.  Do you know what Hola means? (say it as H not O)"

  3. use a jack black soundboard to prank call McDonalds, it's a good laugh.

  4. say 911 whats your emergency?

  5. is your refrigerator running cause if it is you better go catch it lol

  6. KEY:  p: person you r calling.................u: you

    p- hello?

    u: yes where would u like us to deliver your mustard

    then if they say somthing like...p- i didnt order any mustard!

    then u say...u- yes u did.. u ordered 200 lbs of mustard

    p- i dont even likemustardd!

    u- then y did u order so much?!

    lol...that would be funny

  7. Ask if Little Johny is still there in a British accent and then when they say he isn't there tell them that he should be there and that they are lying. Keep it going if they do.

    Be safe and only call people that you know.

  8. get like a robot machine and just talk! its hilarious!

  9. ring the pope and ask him where the so

  10. call someone you know and tell them that they won a big prize

  11. ooh do one i just heard from the rickey smiley show and do this:

    1.ask the person to come to church meeting/event,whatever.

    2.tell hi/her that mike jones will be coming

    3. tell him/her that he wil lbe singing Back then they didn't want me now i'm hot they all on me multiple times!! LOLZ

  12. Lol..go to and type in "prank calls" in the search bar.

    This will show you all kinds of great examples.

    Your welcome.

  13. prank call this number 526 7723 (345) it is a hotline 4 that such question

  14. tell them that you are pregant

  15. For the sake of everyone don't do prank calls. You are just interuppting other peoples lives.  What did they do to you?

  16. i saw someone on youtube do a prank call to that injury attorney person saying does rape count as an injury lol and there wuz dis one about jello pudding lol

  17. how old are you?

  18. Well there are just so many...

    My daughter is pregnant, hello this is the IRS, you kicked my dog, the list could go on.....

  19. Hey...ha ha... is you're.. pshaw ha ha... refrigerator running?.... If so, hahaha, you best go catch it! BEEP! I like that one. Or:

    "Oh my gosh I need the show COPS there is a crazy driver in Minnesota"

    "I'm sorry sir/ma'am but we don't know the number"

    "Oh well just call them NOW"

    I made that one, I just can't remember what we completely did, I had to alter it a lot to fit the prank phone call criteria though.

  20. Are you coming to pick me up?

    pick me up?

    no , pick me up you b*****d guy, im at airport are you coming?

    why am i coming?

    download that prank call from jerky boys called "airport" and do it if .

    P.S. You must be REALLY bored.

  21. call pizza hut and ask for dominos number  

  22. use a jack black sound board, call someone, have a conversation using that soundboard and try to p**s them off as much as you can.

  23. Act like one of those African-American priests that are always yelling things about jesus and half way through, say something about Kentucky fried chicken.

    Or you could call a chinese resturant and ask if they sell dog meat.

  24. Call one of the 1-800 #'s for questions and comments on the back of a product!!!!!!  I don't think you can get in much trouble for that.  My friend called the Q-Tip hotline several years back and went on into this long thing about having a Q-tip stuck up his butt!  Said he was trying to clean it out!!!!  It was so funny- everyone in the room was cracking up when he did it.

  25. call someone, say "7 more days..." in a scary voice, then hang up as soon as ur done.. xD

  26. Call someone and start to order a pizza. If they say you have the wrong number just start ordering more things like breadsticks or something lol.

  27. get a life

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