
Prank calls, being the better person is worth it?

by  |  earlier

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so i got 7 prank calls yesterday and they left me voicemails. i dont know why but i listened. and now i just feel like c**p. they said things like 'go die no one likes you anyway' and 'youre hated and your a f***ing loser so just go kill yourself' and 'well your a dumba** f*** and know one likes b****s like you so stop living.' this stuff never gets to me but i didnt do anything all summer! then 4 different numbers text me 'go die you face f***' and 'your just hated by everyone'. and i want to put the numbers on the internet and have them get 100's of prank calls. but i shouldnt right? i should be the better person right? i dont know. im just so confused.




  1. get back at 'em, they sayin' that c**p they deserve it :)

  2. you can file harrassment charges against those numbers

    it doesnt seem like it would, but thats a very serious crime. i had prank calls saying i was a dirty w***e with no life and no friends and other stuff. so i can relate to you

    but dont stoop down to their level. you'd be just like them

    and if you put their numbers on the internet just so other people can go prank cal them and be mean to them, not only could those people get in trouble but you could

  3. If they sent these messages to you, and you have the numbers from where they originated, then you could file a police report for harrassment.  I've done it.  It is obviously someone that is jealous of you.  But think of it this way, Um Hello, they were dumb enough to do this without blocking the phone # that it was coming from.  Tells you that they are a few sandwiches short of a picnic!  You already are the better person!  File a police report if it happens again.  Imagine how dumb they will feel when one of their parents opens the door to an officer in uniform telling them the things that are coming from their son/daughters phone/cell.  

    KARMA BABY!!!!!  Good luck and giv 'em H*ll!!!

  4. Let it the better one.

  5. yes, definitely be the better person.  You've heard the phrase "sticks and stones" correct?  They are the loser's for being so rude and mean.  Shrug it know better about yourself and if you do something back they will feel better knowing that it bothered you and besides people will think bad of you too if you act the same way.  

  6. dont put their numbers on the internet but text them back and be like "okay :)"

    ppl who are trying to make other ppl feel like c**p get mad when they realize it doesnt bother them

  7. I git the same things all of the time not many people like me becouse i am a mind freak/ magishen. and know one can find out how i do manythings that i do you just have to get over it do not listen to what other people say but wory about what you have to do.

  8. well here are you options the cops

    2.put their #'s online

    3. be the better person

    4. change your #

    me personally i would change my # then put their #s online

    and don't give your # to just anyone make sure there your freinds  

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