
Prariri Fire Flowering Crab?

by Guest58496  |  earlier

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We planted this little guy from a stick. It is now approx 6' tall and about 3' around. It is 4 years old. It has never bloomed or had fruit. When will it? if ever? Live north of Atlanta.




  1. I think you should put it outside  in summertime to get some sunshine. I did to my Hibiscus, and after 4 years its start to flowering again!  Try it  i hope it will help

  2. the drought may have slowed its development.  fertilize in the fall.  maybe next spring

  3. The Prairie Fire is a lovely ornamental Crab apple tree. Just give it time and it will present you with flowers followed by very small fruit.

    Raised from seed it will take up to 10 years or more to flower.

    In the first years apply a light annual mulch of well-rotted manure.

    If grown in lawns the trees need a grass-free root run of 3-4 ft for several years until well established.

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