
Praxis I Test?

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I'm about to take the Praxis I next month and i'm starting to get a little worried. I know you can take it over again if you fail, but I hate to fail at anything. I bought the ETS Praxis guide and i'm starting to review. Any suggestions from people who have took the Praxis before?




  1. I took two Praxis tests for Elementary Education.  I forget which was which.  The general content knowledge one was easy for me, and I did quite well.  It is difficult to study for since it measures a broad range of content.

    The OTHER Praxis test, however was AWFUL.  My professor did not prepare me for it at all.   She said that we'd have "plenty of time, and that time wouldn't be an issue."  She couldn't have been more wrong.  The essay questions contained many many parts, and I ran out of time because I tried to answer it too thoroughly.

    For the Praxis with essay questions, I recommend carefully watching your time.  Do the multiple choice questions first, skipping the essay section and then come back to them.  Devote the final time to the essays, and budget it for each section.   Carefully answer each part of the situational questions, and whatever you do...don't think too critically.  They want dumbo one-size-fits all answers.  They do not want critical answers which say, "If it was like this, I'd do this, and if it was like this, I'd do this..." which anybody of intelligence will want to do, because their questions were way too generalized.  I had the highest score in my class on the Praxis Elementary General Content Knowledge, but only barely scored a passing score on the one with Essays, because I ran out of time and didn't complete an entire section!  This, all the while writing as frantically as I could.

    Budget your time, and give them what they want.

  2. What do you have to take the praxis I in?  I took mine for math and it wasn't bad.  I also got the study guides for every praxis I took and there are several questions/ examples that were verbatim on the test.  I took the praxis II in early childhood and special ed, then the PLT.  Same experience with those and the study guides as well.  The study guides are thorough and were a huge help to me.  Don't eat Chinese before the test :-) I did and ended up being sick though the whole thing... horrible.  Get there early so you have time to go to the bathroom, get a drink, etc.  This will also give you time to look over any last minute, additional materials.  Good luck, you'll do fine!

  3. I had to take the Praxis in school. I bought the guide and reviewed it every day for 2 hours. When you go to take the test...PACE YOURSELF on the questions. Good luck :)
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