
Pray for a sinner like me.............?

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You know they say Prayer can never be too much, I also believe prayers keeps the devil at bay, im 19 years old and in my heart I feel have been hurt and discouraged already but I still need to cling onto Jesus, at the moment im not sure im im going to University, my mother is ill and it just seems like my back is against the wall..but Jesus did say he would 'never leave nor forsake me. So today I ask Christians to pray for deliverance and healing. I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST!!1, sometimes I feel very annoyed with my self for seeking God more when things are going wrong, but I have come to learn that I must also give him thanks when things are looking up

Thank you and may God bless you, please feel free to email me.




  1. We are all sinners, and fall short, but God is there for us always. All we need to do is seek Him.  I am sure God would want you to continue your schooling, sometime. This may or may not be the time.

    I pray healing for your mom and deliverance for you both. I pray that the Lord will lead and guide you in all that you do. And as you seek Him out, He will make Himself and His will known to you, and make the path straight for you. In the Name of Jesus.

    †Prayer Warrior At Your Request†  

  2. Sure.

  3. If you TRULY believe that God can do ANYTHING He will not only heal your mom, He can also give that college place you want but you MUST talk to him and not only giving him you list of needs, He already knows them what He want letting get until the point when you feel AGAINST THE WALL is making you notice that WITHOUT HIM THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO but MUST look for him, tell him to guide, tell him to show you the way, He doesn't need your help He wants your heart, your whole life to be for Him without fanaticism, Just received Jesus as your Lord and Savior and invite him to enter in your heart lo live there not just visiting and you'll see the difference. I know because I been there and my only answer was giving myself ALL TO HIM.

    Hope this helps. Feel also free to e-mail

    God Bless You

  4. May God continue to bless you

  5. your in my thoughts and prayers!

    god bless your soul

  6. you got it, girlie. (:

  7. ok I will....we all have pressures, boredom etc...pray for me too

  8. What a pleasure it was praying for you.

  9. I have a question for you,

    i'm 14 living with my mom and step-dad, whom i call dad. My real dad and i have an okay relationship, but his wife always seems to get in the way. She's very nosy, and annoying. She's 31 years old,younger than my dad, but she ascts like she's in High- School, i'm serious, she gossips badly about people from church!!!! i don't understand her, and my dads on her side. I'm not seeing my dad right now because i really can't stand her. PLEASE< any advice????????? i cry every night, and pray to god, cuz i really miss him.... OH, AND I PRAYED FOR YOU, KEEP MOVING ON!!!

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