
Prayers and pain, what can I do?

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I have arthritis in both knees and serious tendonitis in my left ankle which makes it not only hard to do all the moves for prayers but causes intense pain. Does anyone know where I can find what I can do to make prayers complete and more manageable?




  1. I have a lot of knee pain too, so I use a yoga mat, and roll up the end to cushion it.  I know a yoga mat isn't the best mat, but it's the only way I can pray on my knees.  As others have said, pray sitting, if cushioning doesn't work for you.

  2. Under abnormal conditions, One can pray in ANY posture or condition. Even when lying.

    You do not need to do the physical bowings and prostrations, when you cannot.

    Just as other answerers have responded, you may pray in any posture that suits you e.g. Only standing, sitting, lying in bed etc.

  3. Jesus died for our healing ,all things , Not just our spirirtual battles .


  4. you can pray while sitting in a chair. you don't have to do all the kneeling.

  5. i see lot of people sitting on chairs while praying in the masjid. as far as i know if you cant do a specific movement then don't do it, just get as close to it as you can, without forcing yourself into any pain.

  6. The form is secondary. Allah says to call on him whether standing, sitting or lying our side. The chair is a good suggestion, whatever takes the pain off so you can concentrate.

    I dunno what to suggest about the arthritis/tendonitis, but I wonder if you're getting enough water. Not a doctor, but it might help mitigate it.

  7. Pray while sitting on a chair.

  8. Assalamu aleikum sister,

    First of all, may Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala make it easy for you sister. When having so much pain, it think it's very hard to concentrate on the salaah itself.

    I found some information for you that mightbe helpfull.

    Assalamu aleikum, Rayhana

    And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to ‘Imraan ibn Husayn: “Pray standing, and if you cannot, then sitting, and if you cannot, then (lying) on your side.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (1117) and Abu Dawood (952).

    If a person prays sitting, then he should lean forward for rukoo’ (bowing) and sujood (prostration), and he should lean forward more for prostration than for bowing.

    If a person prays lying on his right or left side, then he should tilt his head towards his chest for bowing and prostration.  If a person prays lying on his back, he should put his feet towards the qiblah and tilt his head towards his chest for bowing and prostration. If he is unable – when sitting or lying – to move his head, then the actions are waived in his case, because that is the thing that he is unable to do, but the words are not waived because he is able to say them, and Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “So keep your duty to Allaah and fear Him as much as you can” [al-Taghaabun 64:16]. So he should say takbeer and recite Qur’aan, and intend to bow and say takbeer and recite the tasbeeh of bowing, then he should intend to stand up and say Sami’a Allaahu liman hamidah, rabbana wa laka’l-hamd (Allaah hears the one who praises Him, our Lord to You be praise) etc. Then he should intend to prostrate and say takbeer and the tasbeeh of prostration, because this is what is implied by the shar’i principle, “So keep your duty to Allaah and fear Him as much as you can”.

  9. God sees you from above and he knows your condition, just keep praying that al it matters is whats in your heart not your outside GOD BLESS...

  10. just pray whilst sitting, if u got a disablity, u dont need to do it the usual way.....there are loopholes in islam! believe it or not :D

  11. pray in a chair. even the disabled can pray. those who are paralysed also pray by the movement of thier eyes.  

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