
Prayers for injured Trini boy?

by Guest57295  |  earlier

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The story is on the link above. How disheartening is this that a 5 year old boy is beaten to cause such injury! This story reminds me of Sean Luke and Emily! Why is it so hard to report someone when they abuse their child - they true story always comes out when they are injured or worst




  1. It makes one so angry and frustrated...but the sad thing is that this kind of thing happens to countless numbers of children everyday, in every country.

    I will definitely say a prayer for this little guy. But people need to learn the difference between discipline and abuse and be willing to step up and say something when things like this happen. Come on people..we CAN make a difference!

    Peace and Blessings.

  2. Dat man want ah good planassing. Dat is de tings tuh make anybody go crazy. Dat is how an adult suppose tuh treat ah child?

  3. What is Social Services in Trinidad doing ???? I am reading too many child abuse stories lately .

    This person , I hope is caught soon and put away for good .

  4. it eh easy nah....

    what this world coming to ?

  5. my prayes is with the little boy and condolences to his family it is really getting bad people having kids and hurting them like that

  6. Poor little boy. Who would even think of doing something like that? You mean, a little chile get you sooo vex you have to beat him within an inch of his life?! If someone did that to my nephew he/she would have to go into hiding, oui! It have some real evil people out there, oui.....and I feelin' sorry for the grandfather too. That man was raising his grandson with his pension (it is obvious that he loves his grandson). Lots of parents nowadays won't even consider making that sacrifice. What is this world coming to?

  7. That is so sad..what is this world coming to?? I pray  & hope that God will bring him and his family through this.

  8. dat is so sad

    ppl taking out anger and frustration and whatever emotion on innocent little children like dat

    its so heartbreaking

    i pray dat he heals and can live out his life, and tht  his grandparents have their grandson back.

  9. May God bless and keep him. Poor little fella :(

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