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if it tastes slightly salty does that mean there's sperm in it, or does it just taste like that?




  1. I don't know why it tastes salty, but there is a small amount of sperm in it.

  2. Pre-ejaculation, AKA prec*m, may or may not have sperm in it, but if so, not very much. The salty taste will be in any fluid from the p***s, and even the skin of the p***s may have salty sweat on it.

  3. there is usually sperm in it

  4. Whether it tastes salty or not, studies have shown that pre-ejaculatory fluid can contain sperm cells.

  5. yup its sperm in it. i knew a dude that fukd this girl in high school he tried to pull out his d**k before he came all inside of her. he later mentioned he didn't know their was a such thing a s pre-***. not to mention she had a baby by him. it was the pre-ejac

  6. You ladies know your flavors!

  7. ummm.... i dont quite know just how to say this..... but that is not s***n, its actually.... p**s.  you are gross you drink someones p**s.  as long as you didnt swallow any you wont get the worst heartburn ever.

  8. uhhh sick i would never taste it  can u imagine people these days  geeeeeeesh

  9. The salty flavor has nothing to do with the quantity of sperm.  Most body fluids have some salt in them, such as sweat, tears and mucus.  There is some evidence that there can be the occasional stray sperm cell in the lubrication before ejaculation, so it's wise to keep this away from the v***a as well, just to make sure.

  10. There are some sperm in pre-ejaculation but there is not as much as ejaculation. It's very little but it still can get a girl pregnant.

  11. Yes, and if it taste like Nacho Cheese Doritos then your man needs to wash his balls!

  12. Thats old p**s

  13. def sperm in it for sure. you need to get the real stuff

  14. pre ejaculate always taste salty.
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