
Pre-GCSE results arrival day therapy?

by  |  earlier

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I honestly cannot describe how nervous I am, and the only thing that seems to make me happy is food. Are there any forms of therapy other than food therapy which could help ease my stress. Thanks in advance, I seriously appreciate any help that I can get.

No stupid, unhelpful or irrelevant answers, please (unless they're funny).




  1. you did them about a month ago and there's nothing you can do to change them now. also they're only gcses anyway.

  2. I'm getting my results tomorrow and I'm just trying to keep myself busy! Try reading a book, exercising or listening to music. Try and keep your mind off of it!

  3. If You Have Any Play Video Games. Their Addictive And For Me Make Time Go Waaay To Quickly! When I need To Pass Time Thats The Thing i Do Though

  4. take some sleeping pills and itll b 2moro before you you know it.....=D

    but seriously....stick on ur fav album realllly loud and dance about in a really stupid arm-waving well

    gets the endorphins going and ull feel better in no time!!

    good luck


  5. lol :)

    oo same! :/// eeeee.

    anyway... lol.

    just try to forget about it and watch some tv, listen to music or something similar. or just eat alot :)


    i'm totally the opposite when im nervous i lose my appetite. i've only eaten like one sandwich today :/

    i'm going to get to sleep asap cuz you can't be nervous asleep! :D

    bon chance!

    and i'm sorry if you find that stupid irrelevant or I consider it to be helpful?

    focus on the whole acheivement side of things. how the past two years of hard work is finally over and you'll probably have overall good grades to show for it :D

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