
Pre-School/Middle School/Grade 1?

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Being the oldest in the family, my brothers and sister always rely on me to help them feel better about school by telling them all about it. Well this year, I have sibling going into pre school, grade 1 and middle school, and they all need my advice. And I am going into high school, so i am freaking out too!!! I feel like I am spinning around and around in circles!! Someone please help me on what to tell them about pre school, grade 1 and middle school, and if you could throw in some advice about HS, that would be great!!! Thanks a lot, Madelyn-Payton




  1. pre school is nothing, just tell them to have fun. In 1st grade just make sure they know basic math and reading and stuff. Middle school is a definitely a change, but it can also be fun, because you finally get some freedom. Yeah, I'm with you on high school, i just started last week. The classes can be tough, but after the first few days it's pretty easy getting around, so don't be scared. Hope I helped.

  2. Being in middle school, I'd tell him/her that it's nothing to worry about and it's actually more fun going to more classes and getting options and different teachers and stuff. I mean, it's a little bit of a change, but it's easy to adapt! And lots of new friends to meet too. As for the others, get your youngest sibling to ask the one going into grade 1 (after all, he/she would remember it much better than you could) and as for grade 1, I remember I was pretty nervous too, but just tell them all to relax!

  3. Pre school is tons of fun. You get to make friends and learn lots of new things.

    Grade 1 is even more fun! You learn how to write sentences and do math.

    Middle school is when you start becoming an adult and making your own decisions. You learn to be independent and accomplish things in a timely manner.

    High school is all about getting ready for college. Learn to balance your school work with your social life and you will be set for years to come. Take time each week to plan out your week and write a list of what MUST be done (homework, chores, etc) and what you want to get done (go to the football game, go to the mall, etc). Most of all, don't stress out about it. The first few days will be crazy, but you will get the hang of it pretty soon. Good luck!

  4. kindergarden you do alot of painting with your hands, 1st grade is all about starting to learn stuff and geting along with other studentsl and for hs! you better watch out for freshman thork day...and if you dont know what a thork is you will soon find out! lol

  5. Congratulations for taking on such responsibility.  Even though you're a responsible and thoughtful high schooler, your parents should take on the responsibility of reassuring your brothers and sister.

    With that said, you should encourage your siblings to always try their best at school.  Pre-school is fun; 1st grade is SO interesting; and middle school---middle school is just a step from high school.  High school is very exciting.  You're getting ready for college, or the real world.  

  6. For the Preschooler: Preschool is pretty easy going, and thats where you usually make most of the friends you will be with throughout elementary school.

    For The First Grader: Fun stuff, Those younger grades are when you do mostly cut and paste, and colorful projects, and hwatnot.

    For The Midle Schooler: Personally, middle school has been my favorite. You feel older, wiser, and more experienced, and for me, its been the easiest. =)

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