
Pre School Party?

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This is my daughters 1st pre-school party. What can I bring? It sounds like the other parents are bringing desserts. What main dish can I bring.. like sandwiches or something.. and gimme some receipies cause I don't normally cook for other people & I'm a bit nervous.. oh and to make it more nerve wrecking.. I've ran into SO many people from High School at this pre-school so it feels almost like a HS reunion.. HAHAH!

Thanks in advance guys!


Austin, TX




  1. Is this actually at the preschool?

    If so, be sure to check with the preschool to see if they have any guidelines.  Some preschools do not allow sweets, etc. because they are trying to promote healthy eating habits.  There also might be some food allergies to consider.


  2. i like the idea of bringing something healthy. the watermelon sounds great - and if it's outdoors the kids can have seed spitting contests.

    the chicken sandwiches sound like work. make it easy on yourself. the easier, the least messy the better. maybe bring some veggie sticks that the kids can grab - celery, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes...things that are kids sized and require minimal prep work. you could grab some low-fat dip or salsa and let the kids go nuts.

    while i love me some chunky peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwiches, i'm always wary of ANYTHING with nuts. too many allergies now and no one wants the party to end with an emergency trip to the hospital. would NOT impress your high school friends.

    have fun!

  3. I have always had good expriences with making everyday things fun. Get cookie cutters and make shaped sandwiches, or make fruit and cheese kabobs on toothpicks. You can us fruit cocktail or fresh fruit, but that was always a hit. You can also get flatout bread and put mayo, turkey/ham and cheese, roll it up and cut it into little kid friendly (sushi rolls) or turkey and cheese crackers with the cheese and turkey cut into shapes also. I always make pancakes and eggs with food coloring. My kids had a cow the first time I served them blue eggs and green pancakes. Keeping it simple, fun and healthy is the way I always go, because everyone else always brings chips and cookies.

  4. you can bring any thing mac and cheeze, mini hot dogs. dont bring anything that has nuts you dont know if any one is alergic to anything, dont bring any thing with nut, milk, or any thing else! have a nice time! good luck!

  5. I don't have any experience with kids parties, but for sandwiches how about just PB&J since most little kids like that.  For fun, you could do tacos or taco salad/dip.  You could also do sloppy joe sandwiches or make some type of pizza.  Maybe a fruit pizza (cookie dough as crust, cream cheese/sugar mixture as the "sauce" and various cut up fruits for the toppings).

  6. First, check to make sure none of the kids have allergies.  If you're making sandwiches, how about getting some cookie cutters and cutting them into shapes?  Kids will eat almost anything that's in a fun shape, and the adults will really appreciate a break from the same old cupcakes and sugary snacks.  Good luck and have fun!

  7. Hi!  Whenever I have a party in my classroom, most parents bring something easy, like Munchkins, cupcakes, a bag of chips, etc.

    But, the children really love eating "real" food.  Some nice things parents have brought in are, small grilled cheese sandwiches cut into triangles, peanut butter and jelly on crakcers that are shaped like circles (Ritz) and rectangles (Keebler), cream cheese on mini bagels, macaroni and cheese, and small hotdogs.

    Have fun!

  8. The school that I work at does not allow home made cooked food- because so many different kids have restricted diets and allergies, we can't take the risk of having a parent cook anything for the whole classroom.

    Children really love fruit - whenever we have fruit our children gobble it up really quickly.  

    If the school that your daughter attends allows home made food to be shared with all the kids then I would suggest making fruit salad - which is really easy or maybe even a homemade chex mix (you should leave out the nuts and maybe put raisins in it).
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