
Pre-School vs Pre-K...whats the differnce?

by Guest66956  |  earlier

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my daughter is 2 & 1/2 yrs and i have start thinking about school for her. Ppl talk about pre-k and pre-school ...whats the difference ?? How should I go about surveying schools...calling/visiting/ some other approach ?? How much tuition is it usually ?




  1. In Fl, pre-K is for children that turn 4 yrs old before sept 1st. It is a readiness program for kindergarten. It is also free. It can be offered at a public elementary school, or a private preschool/daycare center. Preschool generally refers to children 2-4ish, before they enter pre-K. Tuition varies. For a 2 yr old in my area, it would be around $125 per week.

  2. I think it depends on where you live. Our pre-school has a pre-k program for 5 year olds that were not old enough to start the school year. It tends to be a bit more structured than the younger classes.

    Our public schools do not have any program in place prior to kindergarten. I think in this area people call it pre-k for the 4 or 5 year old to make them like the sound of it better.

  3. Well, In NC, pre-k is a program for 4 year olds offered in the elementary school to prepare children for the upcoming kindergarten year. This service is the same as public schools... no charge if your child qualifies.

    Pre-school is a privately owned center, think "daycare", they may or may not include educational curriculum beginning at an earlier age (2-5 yrs) to also help prepare your child.  These centers do have a tuition, usually more the younger your child is.  I would say 120-150 per week.  Hope this helps!

    Start by calling and setting up appointments to visit.  Talk to other parents and see what their opinions and experiences are.

  4. In PA, Pre-K is for 4 year olds.  The idea is to make sure they are adequately prepared for kindergarten, which is "the new first grade."

    Children in the US usually start preschool at around age 3, but some programs have a waiting list, so you are right to be looking into this now.  Call your local elementary school, social service agencies, and churches and make a list of the programs they tell you about.  Check into each program and ask what license they have and what credentials their teachers have.  Ask what schedule the children follow to make sure it allows for both structured and unstructured activities (children learn best through play).  Observe a class in progress.  After you have chosen a program, plan to volunteer a little time in the classroom so you can see firsthand what your child is experiencing.  Don't over-look the Head Start program.  Although they are income-qualified, they sometimes accept over-income families for a variety of reasons, and they have excellent programs in many areas.

    Cost varies a great deal, so you will have to ask about that when you contact the programs in your area.  Head Start is free but most other programs charge a fee.

  5. Spelling...either way you want to visit the choices and see what their curriculum is and what activities they perform...some are just wherehouses for kids while others actually teach the kids.

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