
Pre-adoption placement interview questions?

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I received a call this week regarding two under school aged siblings. My husband and I are one of two families who may be granted custody and be able to adopt these children.

Can anyone who has adopted through the foster care system give me any suggestions regarding questions I should ask? What will they look for in my home? Anything I should or should not do or say?





  1. U r family & it does not matter. if U were not family then the rules would be tighter & U would be required 2 do more. family always gets first dibs on family. good luck.

  2. Ask questions that you want to know the answer to and be honest answering questions.  Find out as much about the history and needs of these children as you can and decide if you can and want to meet their needs.  The process is meant to find the right family for these chidren with their particular ages and needs.  If you are not it, it won't be good for any of you for you to try to "figure out" how to be the ones chosen.  If you are the right family, honest dialogue with your social worker will reveal that.  Good Luck!

  3. Just be honest!!! Everyone has issues and are REAL people. If you try to hide anything they will know. It's their job. They're not looking for perfect stick people. I'm far from perfect and have been through abuse, backruptcy, and have learned from my true life experiences. that's what matters the most.

  4. if you are at this stage then they probably should have already inspected your house.  If not then they just look for safety violations. Look online for your state foster care lisencing rules. They give a list of all they look at or require. If the children are not of school age they will probably want to know if you work outside the home and how will you arrange child care.

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