I was under my dad's health insurance for several years and then I switched to a new medical insurance recently or not too long ago but it is a private health insurance at the moment. I have Unicare insurance. I am aware that insurances will not cover pre-existing conditions. For my regular doctor it does not cover my cholesterol, a pre-existing condition and my allergies. My pre-existing condtion for my endroconoligist would be the slight hormone imbalance or dhea sulfate imbalance i had which I think was taken care of. I tried to make an appointment with the gynecologist and they wanted to know if my insurance would cover me. I think the last time I went there was about six months ago and I am sure I had the same insurance I have at the moment. I am sure that my insurance company covered my visit the last time but don't remember. I don't see why an insurance company will not cover a patient for routine gynelogical exams, pap smears, office visits.