
Pre-game Questions?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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1) Where are you going to watch tonights game?

2) What will you eat or drink during the game?

3) Who you watching the game with?

4) Which team will score the first goal? Who?

5) Which golie will be a superstar today?

6) Will there be a fight tonight? if yes who?

7) Which team will have the better offence which team will have the better defense?

8) Will one of the captains be heroes tonight? which one?

9) Who will be the three stars?

10) What will the score be?





  1. 1.) At home, in the den, on the couch, with the 'rents!

    2.) Sweet tea and chips with the yummy chili/cheese/cream cheese dip my mom makes

    3.) My dad, and maybe my mom if she's in the mood for hockey...

    4.) I think it will be tight, with no score until the second period, but I don't know who

    5.) I think both will be - hence the low scoring

    6.) I hope so! Ummm.... Datsyuk and Ruutu!?

    7.) Better defense - Wings; better offense - close call, slight edge for Pitt

    8.) Not sure... seeing as how it's airing on NBC, I'm sure Crosby will be the ultimate heroic deity of all time like usual

    9.) Malone, Ozzie, and... I don't know the third.

    10.) Hmm.... 3-1?

  2. 1. Wish I could

    2. Alcohol

    3. See #1

    4. Detroit - Lidstrom on PP

    5. Osgood

    6. No

    7. Wings in both

    8. Neither

    9. 1. Osgood

    .....2. Datsyuk

    .....3. Fleury

    10. 3-1 Detroit (leaning toward an empty netter 3rd goal)

  3. 1) at home

    2) pizza and iced tea

    3) my husband

    4) Pens / Malkin

    5) Fleury

    6) YES!  Kronwall & Ruutu (or Malone or Gil)

    7) Pens (both offense & defense)

    8) YES!  Crosby (always a hero!)!!

    9) Fleury, Malkin, Crosby

    10) 2-1, Pens

  4. 1) My uncles house

    2) Nothing, I am officially on a hockey game famine.

    3) My uncle and dad

    4) Detroit, Franzen

    5) Osgood

    6) Yes, Drake vs Laroque

    7) Offense= Pittsburgh

        Defense= Detroit

    8) No, Franzen will be


    1st Lindstrom

    2nd Franzen

    3rd Osgood




  5. 1. Home

    2. Root beer float

    3. My hubby


    5. Osgood

    6. I doubt it

    7. Detroit and Detroit


    9. Hulder, Fippula and Draper

    10. Detroit 3 .....Pens 1

  6. 1. At home on HDTV

    2. Yuengling

    3. My cousin and her BF

    4. Pens - Malkin (He's due)

    5. Fleury

    6. Yes - Gary Roberts and someone!

    7. Pens and Pens

    8. No

    9. Fleury, Malone, Malkin

    10. 2-1 Pens

  7. 1. The bar that my friends and I have taken over ever Stanley Cup playoffs

    2. Beer, and more beer, etc

    3. See 1

    4. Detroit- Rafalski (he is due)

    5. Ozzy

    6. Skirmish... Roberts and Lilja (if LILJA scratched then Drake)

    7. Wings will control the flow most of the game on both ends

    8. No (but Lidstrom is a hero anyway just by solid play)

    9. Rafalski- Franzen- Sidney

    10. 4-2 Wings.... empty netter goal included

  8. 1. my house

    2. i don't know probably nothing

    3. my mom and sister maybe my dad

    4.  penguins Crosby

    5. Fleury

    6. no

    7.  offense-red wings defense-penguins

    8. Sidney Crosby

    9. Fleury  Crosby Malkin

    10. 3-1 penguins

  9. 1) my house.

    2) pizza possibly.. maybe chips too

    3) myself

    4) pens..hossa

    5) Fleury

    6) yes.. basically everyone on the ice

    7) pens better defense.. redwings better offence

    8) crosby just like last game

    9) crosby.staal.malkin

    10) 3-2

  10. 1. My house

    2. Pizza and pop

    3. Mi madre

    4. The Wings

    5. Neither really

    6. Nope

    7. Wings will have both

    8. Neither.  Crosby will flop and Lindstrom will do his normal defensive thing

    9. 1. Franzen, 2. Cleary, 3. Datsyuk

    10. 3-1 Wings is my best bet.

  11. 1. at home

    2. pizza

    3. my sis

    4.  detoit, zetterberg

    5. fluery

    6. yes, roberts with chelios

    7. pittsburgh for both

    8. yes crosby

    9. crosby, malone and zetterberg

    10. pens 4 to 2

  12. 1. My house

    2. Not sure yet, maybe chocolate pudding

    3. My dad

    4. Pittsburgh - Ryan Malone

    5. Marc Andre Fleury

    6. Yes, Jarkko Ruutu and someone

    7. Pittsburgh will have better offense & defense.

    8. Sidney Crosby

    9. Fleury - Malone - Crosby

    10. 5-1 Pittsburgh

  13. 1) home

    2) probably bbq...i'm not sure

    3) dad

    4) detroit...Franzen

    5) Ozzie

    6) yes...who? idk

    7) better offense: pitts

    better defense: red wings

    8) Lidstrom

    9) Ozzie, Lidstrom and...Franzen

    10) 2-1 in favor or Detroit

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