
Pre historic histroy question?

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What was the prehistoric culture that created the paintings at Lascaux?

I can not find it?




  1. maybe the celts, not sure though

  2. Since those paintings are in southern France and are roughly 16,000 years old it is might be earlier group of celts, britons, or basque

  3. The prehistoric culture that produced the cave paintings in Lascaux and other sites in France are known to prehistorians, archaeologists and other scholars as the Magdalenian Culture. This Palaeolithic culture lived approximately 15,000 years ago based on radio-carbon dates. What they called themselves is not known.

    Edit - For Monarch Butterfly's edification, the Grooved Ware people lived in England during the Neolithic (c. 2800–2400 BC, as clearly depicted on page 148 of the book Europe in the Neolithic, by Whittle) - that would be, oh say about  10,000 years AFTER the Magdalenian Culture. Perhaps you should read you boyfriend's books more carefully - or try Wikipedia.

  4. I have heard them referred to as the "Grooved Ware People" - after a particular style of pottery design frequently found in their archaeological sites.  

    I have never seen the term "Magdalenian Culture" that "Rod S" refers to, before.  Since the word "Magdalenian" would logically originate from "Magdala" - the region of Palestine where Mary Magdeline supposedly came  from, one would think it was Jewish in origin.  

    There is some possible evidence for interaction between the ancient Israelites and ancient Europe, but that does not occur for almost a thouseand years after the dates you are suggesting - when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem in the 6th century BC, and the prophet Jeremiah fled with one of the deposed Israelite king's daughters to "an island in the north".  There are some schools of thought to the effect that the "island to the north" was Britain or Ireland.  But then, as I said, this was 1000 years AFTER the period you are talking about, so I, personally, would suspect that "Magdalenian Culture" would be a bizarre cultural misnomer, at best and a total anachronism at worst.

    "Grooved Ware People", "Pre-Celtic Civilization", "Magdalenian Culture" or whatever, it is almost as though each author who writes about them calls them something different.  NO WONDER you are having trouble tracking them down!  Whatever their proper name should have been, they seemed to have had a large culture spread over most of what is now Europe, back in megalithic times, and are thought to have been the forerunners of the Celts and Goths.

  5. There really isn't a cultural naming of the people who made these images as little is known of them. They were created in the upper paleothic period. The prevailing theory is that they were created by cro-magnon man.

    There is some debate as to the reasons for the paintings, among which are.

    Reporting/celebrating the accomploshiments of the tribe.

    A call to the gods for more animals.

    Fertility symbology

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