
Pre-installed computer protection is expiring

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The Norton package that came pre-installed on my daughter's lap top is expiring any day now. I bought Norton 360 for mine when it expired on mine, but from what I've read, it really slows down the computer performance. What do you recommend that I put on her laptop for protection?




  1. norton is very bad and slows the computer down and why pay?

    get rid of  and uninstall anything with norton on your computer.

    Here are free security programs that dont slow the computer

    down and will catch more bad stuff than norton. Go to and get avira anti virus, if you want something

    for spyware they have adaware it's good. Also if you dont wanna

    use windows firewall you can get comodo , but get version 2.4

    the 3.0 versions will bother you a lot with false positves , so I stick

    to 2.4 , this is all free from filehippo and has more security than nortons crapware. Or you can just ditch windows and use linux

    it's way better.

  2. go to this website

    it has programs that you would normally pay for


    just join

    wont hurt you to try

    and what ever program you need just go into the request section and we will find it for you FREE!


  3. AVG is the best compromise.  Whatever you do, stay away from Norton and Mcaffee.

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