
Pre-k classroom welcome?

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What type of welcome setup should I have in my classroom as a first year pre-k/special education teacher




  1. For Parents:  A nice folder with your class's daily schedule and all policies and procedures for your class and your school.  On the first day, you might get the book "The Kissing Hand" and have them make kissing hands with their children.

    For the children:  Send home a postcard welcoming them to school. Make name tags that hang around their necks for the first day of school and be prepared with a game that helps you get to know them.  Perhaps play a kind of questions game where the "star child"sits in the center of the circle andyou ask him/her 3 questions - like do you have a brother?

    Good Luck!

  2. We made Preschool Licence with the child's picture on it and other info--fav colour,pet, what they want to learn at preschool, etc You could make a book of all the kids and staff the heading at the top of each paper reads"my name is" then you fill in the blank with the child's/staff's name and paste a pic of them then read it everyday at circle time so the kids can get used to everyone's names. We also have apple shapes with the children's names on the that they put onto the board (with velcro) everyday when they arrive.

  3. Get a couple of games, like where you go around the room and let each person say one thing they've done.

  4. make it nice and colorful and not boring and make sure ur voice sounds exciting. my prescoll was a bore

    oh and do everything the first other lady said

  5. - have sooting music playing (kenny loggins is great) to create a relaxed environment

    -have a parent info. board with menus, activity plans, etc

    - display books you read throughout the day where parents can see during pick-up

    - take a family photo for their portfolio or bulletin board


    - have defined areas in your classroom

    - have a parent/school connection like a book check-out

  6. It is always a good thing to recognize each child as they come in.  This helps them to feel comfortable and know that you care about them, and are glad that they are there.  Don't be working on lesson plans or gathering materials.  Be able to wander around your classroom to observe the children during pre-session activities.  Pre-session activities can include play time, games, or simple fun activities, maybe even some that work on skills or are related to your lesson.  It is always good to have a routine of some sort, so that the children will be focused on starting their day.

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