
Pre-packaged or fast food?

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ok so i am having a hard time deciding what is more healthier. would pre-packaged foods such as frozen pizzas, lean cuisine, hot pockets or any other frozen dinners and frozen pretzels (super pretzel), progresso soup be more healthier to eat everyday than fast food such as mcdonalds, subway or taco bell? or is it pretty much the same thing? my mom used to cook for my family but since she started working she doesnt cook at all, ocasionally she prepares hamburger helper, but i'm getting sick of it and so is the rest of my family, so my dad now pretty much forces me to eat fast food every week. i really don't want to because i heard it's horrible, but i would like to know if the pre-packaged foods are a better choice than fast food? thanks!




  1. Pre-packaged food is waaaaaaaaaaay healthier than fast food!! Fast food uses a lot of grease and frys a lot of there food. Unless you go to subway or quiznos or any sand which shops you wont find fast food that is healthier than pre-packaged food.

  2. pre-packaged food can be healthy but fast food is just bad

    frozen pizza isn't a good idea though because it has lots of fat!!!

  3. I'm speaking from experience, and if I could turn back time, I wouldn't eat neither pre-packaged or fast food meals. I was a working student last year and had no time to cook. So I ended up buying pre-packaged one week and going to fast food the next week. I ended up gaining 20 pounds.

    Start learning how to cook your own healthy meals, and cook them on the weekends. I would start scanning my local library or bookstore for cook books for beginners. You can also use frozen veggies to save you money and prep time in cooking. If you have cable, watch the cooking shows. A lot of the recipes start out with the simplest ingredients. Hopefully, when you've mastered the basics, you can start adding your own magic ingredients for a truly unique and delicious meal you can call your own.

  4. pre packaged is better but has a lot of preservatives and other c**p you really don't need in it.

    if you can't cook, i'd suggest subway because they use mainly fresh ingredients and an expansive menu. but mix it up so you don't end up wasting all your money on nasty food...

    learn to cook a few simple things (trust me, grocery shopping for the week is way cheaper and better for you then hitting up mcdonalds or taco bell) and grab a sub or the prepackaged stuff when you're in a bit of a hurry.

  5. I say be healthy and pre-pack!!!!!

  6. prepackaged is healthier

  7. I Agree with the last anwser.cook and then freeze that;s what i do when i,m working for the kids and you.ll get a lot of practice and learn to love cooking!

  8. I totally agree that u should try cooking some simple meals for yourself if u get a cookbook that faetures recipes prepared with 5 ingredients or less...check the website below for some simple recipes. Good luck

  9. I have a fantastic idea.  How about you start cooking some meals so that you don't have to worry about any of this.  If you learn how to brown off some ground beef, there are tons of things you can make.  Speghetti, strogonoff, tacos, even the occasional hamburger helper.

  10. actually...a lot of pre-packaged foods can be healthier for you than regularly prepared meals. most aren't, but if your forced to choose between fast food and frozen, pick the lean cuisines or frozen pizza. when getting fast food(although its the worst thing to eat!) get a salad or a fruit parfait. theres always healthier choices!

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