
Pre-schoolers Birthday Party?

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I am planning my soon-to-be 4 year-olds birthday party, which is in the middle of next month. I have a guest list of approximately 25 people including 8-10 children ages 2-5. I am trying to come up with some age appropriate games, and of course the classics such as pin the whatever on the whatever. The party is scheduled to last 2 hours, and I need games that will preoccupy these preschoolers for that time frame. Any game ideas that are quick and fun will be greatly appreciated.




  1. What we always do is cover the ceiling with baloons, but we use the tank you fill them yourself, cause after a while, the balloons start to fall.  invite the kids, eat, cake, pinata, turn on the bubble machine, and by this time, the balloons should start falling down, and turn on some love to dance.

  2. i would do easy games that are easy to understand....such as duck duck goose, a pinata, pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs, hide and seek, and tag

  3. rather than lots of games, have activities.  Things like side walk chalk, bubbles, a kiddie pool of water or balls,play-doh,digging or playing in sand, painting,dress-up,playing with cars or blocks, watching a short video are things children this age enjoy

  4. I'm in the same boat, LOL!  Mine will be five mid-September and I'm trying to figure out what to do to keep herds of kids entertained.  What's worse is he will be starting a new Pre K in mid Aug.  and I am letting him invite his "new friends" so there might be lots of strange kids and parents here.

    I bought a jumbo sized party coloring book with pull out sheets with the Theme, and will have crayons and these sheets out.  I was planning on having them color before we begin, especially while we are waiting for everyone to arrive, then post the colorings on the wall (mini poster size) to "add" to the decorations.

    Then do the birthday song; presents, then eat cake.  After that I was going to let them do an outdoor game for those who stay; like a slip n slide or bounce house, or sprinkler.  I don't know how much the bounce house rental is; I will probably stick to the other two options.

    Between the kids playing with the presents and all this; i hope it will easily eat two hours.

    Hope I gave you some ideas. Maybe I can get some more too. :)

  5. Teddy bear is a good theme if you need one. Games are: duck duck goose, pin the tail, dress up, tea party for a girl, and freeze dancing to music.

  6. try a scavenger hunt. i went to a three year olds b-day party and during the party all toddlers were given a bag and led over 2 an area full of hidden candy.

  7. I would try some thing simple like pin the tail on the donkey or a pinyata. All kids like thats stuff, and play hide and seek with flash lights in the basement, my parents did that when I was little and we loved it. And if kids get scared partner them up.

  8. Ok here are my ideas:

    For a boy:


    -Superheroes like Batman, spiderman, etc.

    - sports

    - colors (like just no certain theme be creative)

    - water (well like have a mini pool a small water slide sort of thing)


    -Pin the tail on the donkey

    - Piniata

    - water games (if u choose a water theme)

    -catch (????)

    - have scooters and trikes and stuff like that out so they can do whatever they want

    - get out a bunch of toys.

    - tag

    - hide and seek

    - play sports (like soccer and fun games)




    - Hello Kitty

    -animal (cats, and stuff like that)

    -colors (pink!)

    - water


    -Pin the tail on the donkey

    - Piniata

    - water games (if u choose a water theme)

    -catch (????)

    - have scooters and trikes and stuff like that out so they can do whatever they want

    - get out a bunch of toys.

    - tag

    - hide and seek

    - play sports (like soccer and fun games)

    Well, I hope I helped! Happy Birthday the 4 year old!

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