
Pre-seed...does it work....PLEASE ANSWER. I have ased but not answers?

by Guest67030  |  earlier

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I purchased some pre-seed and it should be here tomorrow or friday and I was wanting to know if it works well. I have read a lot of stories of when a couple tried it within the first 1-3 months they found out they were pregnant. We are timing intercourse around my ovulation time and not getting up right after s*x or taking baths right after s*x. we do not smoke or drink, cut way down on caffine, he's not taking hot baths and not wearing tight underwear. My husband and me have been TTC for 6 months and would like for some thing to work. So does anyone have any success stories with using pre-seed?




  1. I used it. I am not sure if it helped us conceive but I am sure that it didn't hurt. I had no adverse reactions from using it and other than the cost I liked it as a lubricant. Hopefully it works for you! Good luck!

  2. I used it and it didi not do anything I then used egg whites and I concieved that day wth egg whites I also used ovulation strips good luck

  3. My husband & I concieved one child naturally but then attempted to use preseed after TTC our second for about 3-4 months but we have not  concieved yet only used it for 2mos. gonna keep using it because it is a Great product even if  there isn't another baby in the making.

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