
Preacher Priests Ministers HELP?

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Hang in till the end please here what I have to say.. I promise you I swear I am a well… want to be a full time Christian but sin keeps binging me back to damnation. I don’t know how to prove it to you but… I have a girl-friend that I want to be a boy friend to I even want to get married to a girl and can’t imagine having a relationship in any way with a guy but you guessed it … I’m gay… no one knows . I don’t want to be I really don’t it’s the worst thing in the world I swear its biological you have to trust me I almost killed myself over it but realized that was no better -where so many kids don’t relies that and do it . I’ve been hearing on a radio station –“family life radio“ that if you’re going through hard times and you’re wondering “why me” it’s because god’s chosen you to be tested in your faith and that you are special to him and when you have been tested you will rise to be wiser and share your wisdom so am I chosen are WE chosen to have it rougher then the rest of the world to have our very nature be a sin I don’t know lust is lust so I guess you all have it just the same but when we sin its two sins but you don’t get scorned for it daily. I just hope he will forgive me for it all at my end .Please comment help us




  1. I think that if you are g*y, you are g*y, and it is no way to anywhere good if you try and think that you aren't. If you are g*y, then I do not think 'marriage' to anyone of the opposite s*x is good news - not for them and not for you. A good relationship with the opposite s*x is certainly good news, and possible too - but not if its based on mis-information. I don't think you have been chosen for 'hard times' and to be tested, though I guess it isn't easy and life may well be hard at times - but actually that is true of any relationship that is worth having. In fact I think that our sexuality is on a continuum, and that this can change from time to time - and where ever you are, and whenever, it is good to behave with with integrity, and care for yourself and your partner, and hopefully with a bit of fun too. I guess you had better be straightforward with your girl - a risk there ? well, you won't know unless you do - but what is there to risk ? And I do believe in God (Christian) and so far as I know, I am not g*y. However I do know that Jesus said absolutely nothing about homosexuality (in spite of all the nonsense going about at the moment - no doubt you have read or heard!) , and he will neither d**n you to eternity, nor hate you. Not his style so far as I can tell. You might be grately helped to find someone in your area you can talk to in confidence about who you are and how you feel. I think it is quite possible to be a full time christian (if that is what you want to be) and g*y - and I know a reasonably number of men and women who are just that. So good luck

  2. God loves everyone.  

    He hates the sin.. loves the sinner

    We are all sinners the idea is to stop doing things that hurt you.   There have been wonderful artists, uncles, aunts, doctors, and even sports players that have had the tendency but just didn't allow their sexual emotions "own" them.  

    Emotions rarely do you any good.. anger turns to rage. and obsession turns to lust. Know that God loves you, all sin is forgiven just ask and at the same time ask for courage to be the best person you can be. Blessings.

  3. God made us less than perfect and we can not be perfect and without sin. Jesus was the only man to walk on earth that was sinless. God wants us to strive to be like Jesus though we also know that we can not be and only through Jesus can we then be as close as possible with God.

    We are all given certain "vices" that we are to overcome. For some its alcohol, or an addictive nature toward certain substances. For some it is the flesh, that of the opposite s*x or that of the same s*x. For some it goes even further and there we have g*y and L*****n wants and desire. God gave us these so that we can overcome them and turn away from these vices and turn to Jesus and therefore turn to God.

    So no matter if you are a glutton, or vain, or pridefull, greedy, smoke cigarettes, drink in excess, or you are g*y or L*****n, all of these are given to us by God so that we may deny ourselves such and turn to Him and have FAITH in Him.

    To go to heaven one must not be sinless, but rather accept Jesus as your savior and "try" to follow His teachings to reject and deny ourselves. Humble yourself to His grace. Once you are saved and your sins forgiven, not only are your past sins but also your future sins. God knows that you will faulter and he forgives you for that also. What you dont want to do is give in to all your earthly desires becuase you feel now that you have a free "get out of h**l card". With that type of heart, you might just find yourself in h**l. You heart once saved should be filled with the holy spirit and when you do slip and do wrong, you will be terrribly sorry for such and wish not to repeat. You will be thankfull for the grace of God. Remeber grace is getting something you dont deserve such as a free "go to heaven card" It is free since Jesus paid the price for us. Having faith that God will help you thorugh tough times, thankfull for his grace and understanding that you will slip and that is foregiven as well will get you to heaven.

  4. Honey we all have sinned, but what you need to do is, stop being around the people that brings out your desires for the wrong reason, get down own your knees, and PRAY to GOD to remove that desire from you, and TRUST that GOD will do it,

    Ask God to forgive you, mean it from your heart, and GOD will restore you back to him, and I do not agree with it being Generational, because God made Adam and EVE, and if you think it is a CURSE, ask GOD to remove that CURSE, and if you want to Pray you can contact me at 504 908 7311 anytime and we can talk and Pray you through this,DEB P's I LOVE YOU, because you are my BROTHER IN CHRIST

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