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Sometimes when if falling asleep I try to stay in the phase right before you drift off. In this state weird ideas/images pop into my head randomly. Sometimes these ideas/images are really profound. I was watching a history channel special on Edgar Cayce. It said he gave futuristic advice to presidents on more than one occasion. It also said he would put him self in a trance like state and you had about 5 minutes to ask him questions before he would fall asleep. Is this state he went in related to the state I go into? BTW i have never successfully predicted anything, but I havent really tryed.




  1. Edgar Cayce was an extrodinary anomaly. It is harder to reproduce an anomaly than it is the ordinary.

  2. We call these strange ideas which come to us while sleeping "dreams".

    I'm not surprised you have not successfully predicted anything since nobody can.

  3. If you go even futher and watch yourself as your body  falls deeper into sleep ( but keep your mind awake ) you can project out of your body.  It's called Astral Projection.  I do it all the time.

    I have spoken to two of my dead cousins and countless other "dead" people.

    and have gotten many "profound messages" about my life by spiritual beings.

    oh...and you can fly too  ( that's the part where people stop listening to me and think i'm crazy ..but it's true )

    Most people try so hard to get to the level that you just described.  I think you have it naturally.

    check out this website.


  4. This space that you are talking about between wake and sleep is where the people who can astral travel do so. Many books are written about this phenom. I myself have tried on purpose to astral travel and can't, but have other "things" happen to me in that "between wake and sleep place." Sometimes it feels like pressure on me, or hands on me, I have very weird de ja vu moments and at times feel like someone is in the room with me. I'm going to give the idea of precognition some more thought. There's more to it than we think. I think since you have been made aware of this state and are interested in it means you should study into it more also. Maybe you'll learn to astral travel. Let me know, I'd be interested to hear about it.

  5. Sounds like it. I do that too, my mom and I call it the "twilight sleep", except I don't predict things, I converse with my spirit guides and guardian angels and various other spirits. If you're inclined to having gifts, such as precognition, this state of mind is the perfect state to be in. In this state of mind I actually hear my guides more clearly then when I'm fully awake. But yes, it's a delicate balance between asleep and awake, so I too often fall asleep. I have predicted stuff, but it's never big stuff, just stuff that relates to me and my life.
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