
Precognition do i have it?

by  |  earlier

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I've been getting visions & feelings when things are going 2 happen this is within a day or so later.When i was pregnant 2 years ago i was 5months & i had a vision that my baby was going to die 2 days after he was born. i saw what he looked like & how it happened, it scared me & i said something 2 my husband he got his back up with me.My baby was born with problems breathing & he died 2days after he was born with a whole in his heart.Couple months later i had another but this was a feeling that i needed to be somewhere i got into the car & for some reason i stopped i got out of my car looking around thinking whats going on next walked a blind guy & i looked at him & his dog was taking him straight into a little river i ran & just grab him before he went in.

3years later my sister got with some guy i hadn't meant. about a week later i rang her & i got a vision of his guy bashing her i asked her what he looked like & he was the guy i saw i told her & 2weeks later & he bashed her.




  1. well tiff from what you have told me it sounds like you have a real wounderfull gift that will bless you later in your life

  2. u have a gift u should try 2 tame it

  3. Yes, I would say that you have some form of precognition. It is a very useful skill to have. It can be a curse or a blessing. It is not evil and you are not "devil-possesed" or "demon-possesed" for having visions. It just means that your mind is more open to the world.

  4. first of all, I'm sorry to hear about your son, that's really sad. :(

    You know reading this has really freaked me out. i get the same thing but not visions like you, i get a pain in the temple or i get peoples illness and yes i have read up on precognition and i want you to go to this site and read the second part it. sounds like you have precognition or premonition.sounds like me too a tee i get everything it says, and sounds like you are more into it then me tho. I'm still learning how it works, if you want to read what i have gone through look at my questions under "am i psychic plz help" but heres the site i hope it helps you.

    or you can send me an email

  5. It is a spirit guide telling you that stuff.  It's the devil.

  6. It is possible but it is also possible to have postive thought processes whereby we think things and then they happen.

    Personally I think if you have this gift (which it is) you ought to develop it.

    Okay try this website for info...there is plenty reading matter on the subject. Do a search on the internet and then order a copy at your lending library

  7. I don't see why not, Tiff.

    Precognition is real just uncommon. Some people just have a more elevated sense of ESP than others. I have a very low sense so rarely do I witness anything paranormal.

    Did you know that only 10% of the human brain focuses on normal, daily thought? That's it, 10% on a daily basis. There's a whole other 90% that we rarely use.

    Precognition, clairvoyance, premonitions all seem to be linked to a certain lobe in the brain that people almost never use.

    My guess is you have an elevated sense of ESP. While we sleep and sometimes when we're awake, our subconsciousness will accidentally tap into part of that 90% and pick up on future happenings.

    Yours must be quite elevated to see these things while awake. I think you may have precognitive powers, only problem is that nobody knows how to develop them.

    But you've got it. Congratulations, you're blessed.

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