
Pred forte (eye drops),?

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My grandmother uses the medicine, every 2 hours of 24hour day, is that ok?...our doctor did not specify the number of times it should be taken a day...




  1. Pred Forte contains a steroid medication that eases redness, irritation, and swelling due to inflammation of the eye.

    Recommended dosage for


    Put 1 to 2 drops under the eyelid 2 to 4 times daily. During the first 24 to 48 hours, your doctor may want you to use more frequent doses.


    A one-time accidental overdose of Pred Forte eyedrops ordinarily will not cause acute problems. Over time, however, overdosage may have serious consequences  If you suspect symptoms of a chronic overdose with Pred Forte eyedrops, seek medical attention immediately.

    If you accidentally swallow Pred Forte eyedrops, drink fluids to dilute the medication. Call your local poison center or your doctor for assistance.

    What side effects may occur?

    Side effects cannot be anticipated. If any develop or change in intensity, inform your doctor as soon as possible. Only your doctor can determine if it is safe for you to continue taking Pred Forte.

    More common side effects may include:

    Allergic reactions, blurred vision, burning/stinging, cataract formation, delayed wound healing, dilated pupils, drooping eyelid, increased pressure inside the eyeball, inflamed eyes, perforation of the eyeball, secondary infection, ulcers of the cornea

    Since many of these developments could affect your vision temporarily or permanently, it is important to keep in close contact with your doctor while using Pred Forte eyedrops, and to use the drops only as directed.

    Occasionally, long-term use of Pred Forte eyedrops may cause bodywide side effects due to an overload of steroid hormone. Such side effects may include a "moon-faced" appearance, obese trunk, humped upper back, wasted limbs, and purple stretch marks on the skin. These effects are likely to disappear once the medication is withdrawn. If bodywide side effects occur, you will need to stop using the eye drops gradually rather than all at once.

  2. It is usually prescribed that often for acute inflammation of the eye, or following surgery but only used for a few days.  Then it is tapered off, using less and less frequently day by day over several weeks.

    This is way too important a question to rely on the advice of strangers on the Internet.  If your grandmother does not know how often to take it, or didn't understand her doctor's instructions, she should call the pharmacy where she had the prescription filled and ask the pharmacist how to take it.   If the pharmacy is unable to answer the question, she must call her doctor to confirm how to take the drops.

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