
Predict what would happen if s*x cell were produced by mitosis rather than meiosis?

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Predict what would happen if s*x cell were produced by mitosis rather than meiosis?




  1. The s*x cells will be diploid. If it it fertilised by another diploid cells then the result will be a tetraploid cell. This will keep on, and frankly, the increment of the number of chromosomes in the cells must end somewhere. So, it is not viable to produce s*x cells through mitosis.

  2. If s*x cells were produced by mitosis, then the s*x cell will have 46 chromosomes, not 23 as it usually is. Now, if the sperm cell and egg cell unite, there will be 92 chromosomes in the baby. Assuming that the child lives to have children, in the next generation, there will be 184 chromosomes, and in the next generation, there will be 368. Wow. So the chromosomes will keep on multiplying each generation, which is really odd if you think about it.

  3. A s*x cell couldn't be produced by mitosis by definition.  If, it was produced by meiosis gone wrong, and a s*x cell with 46 chromsomes actually was produced it would probably not be fertilised.  If it was a sperm it probably wouldn't make it to the egg, and if it was an egg, it probably wouldn't be released until very late in the woman's life if at all.  If fertilisation were to occur by some freak of nature it would probably abort very soon after.

  4. Mitosis is just half the steps of meiosis, so it would have 46 chromosomes. If it met up with another s*x cell, yikes. It would then have 3 of each chromosome (69 in total) and most likely be aborted.

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