
Predicting My Height

by Guest66620  |  earlier

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Mom is 5'0", dad is 6'0".

I'm 5'10", 16 years old, 160 pounds. Size 10.5 feet American. 5'11.5" arm span. Hands are 7.75 inches long, as long as my dad's hands.

My dad says he started growing facial hair at the same time I did, around 15 years old. And he grew until he was 18-19. Also my height was predicted when I was 2 years old using that x2 method and I'm supposed to be 6'0" tall. I'm taller than both of my brothers by more than an inch. I'm pretty sure I'm still growing because a few months ago I was 5'9.25" and now I'm 5'10".




  1. You should be 6 feet, but it depends whether you have had a big growth spurt recently. You truly can't predict it though. I grew taller than anyone in my mom's or dad's family. Just make sure you keep getting good nutrition because sometimes guys can grow into their 20's.

  2. there is an algorithim you can use if you have your moms height as well. google it because I cannot remember.

    from my expierence, most guys continue to grow after 16 until atleast 18. My guess is that you're going to be around 6 feet give or take an inch. Your wingspan is a pretty good indicator, but not perfect.

    good luck!
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