
Prediction time?

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When will the Israeli and Palestinians live side by side in peace.




  1. when both countries obey the peace accords (oslo accord, camp david, etc.) and follow all the rules, and when

    they stop kidnapping soldiers and firing rockets into civillian towns.

  2. When they accept the fact Israel is there to stay and accept the fact there is no right of return and most important Jerusalem is a capital of Israel.

  3. When a dog will learn to fly?

  4. When Porky sprouts wings.

  5. there will be peace temporarily....but not for long, the holy book of one side make murderous statements like drive them into the sea and the die-hards of this 'peace' religion is listening to those words.

  6. when the arabs figure out that if the Israelis wanted to ethnically cleanse Israel of arabs and such like they would have done it sometime in the last 60 years

  7. I'll stick with the old one.  Never!

  8. When the Israelis pay good, hard cash for everything that has been confiscated form Palestinians or return properties stolen from them.

  9. In 20-25 years, after the Great War, then there will be peace between them, if not friendship.

  10. They can't since zionism has at it's core the need for an ethnically pure jewish state in all of Palestine. Palestinian Jews and Christians and Muslims have dwelt in peace for many centuries and will again,but it will require the dissolution of the ethnic state  and it's replacement by a normative multicultural democracy.

  11. When the Palistinians decide that they are ready for peace. Israel has always been ready, but the other side wants war, not peace.

  12. After world war 3

  13. When the Palis lay down their weapons and act like grown ups,They have already begun indoctrinating the next generation of homocide bombers

  14. your waiting for something that is not going to happen!
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