
Predictions for tonights match between Indianapolis Colts and the Washington Redskins

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What score will it be?

Are u looking foward to it?

Im British and staying up to watch it




  1. I will be asleep by the 2nd quarter.

  2. 23-16



    I'm more than ready for the NFL season .

  3. 17-14 Washington.

    Most of starters are sitting out for each team, but Zorn will keep Campbell in longer than expected to let him get used to offense. Also, Moss and Randle El will probably play 3-4 series instead of just 1 or 2.

    Even when the back-ups come in, I like Collins better than Lorenzen or Sorgi.

  4. Well, Harrison is not playing. So, the quarterback is supposedly Jim Sorgi, so it's going to be boring. Anyways, it's football, so I'm looking a little forward to it. I predict the score to be 21-7 Redskins.

  5. yeah i actually am ready to see it... but somehow in my mind i see the redskins winning becuse the colts backup uninte is not all that killer and i wanna see if colt brennan gets some snaps...

  6. It's a hall of fame game who cares?

  7. dont know

  8. 24-10 colts

    well sorgi my not be great

    but he has an awesome wide recieving corp in harrison, wayne, clark, and even gonzalez proved he's good

    plus it helps to have a pro bowl runningback to take the pressure off a little bit

    and not to menton a great line that rivals the cheatriots line

    and the colts defense is always strong and i dont think portis will do very good against bracket and bob "hitman" sanders

    not to mention dwight freeney and robert mathis will just kill the redskins o line and put pressure on cambell who hasnt proved to be a valuable asset

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